9-11 Reflections

I have learned that 9-11 can be a tragic day for some people i am not very familiar with this  day as adults are. I learned that it was a horrible day for new york washington and who knows where flight 93. It could have crashed into the white house or the capital  that would not have been good.They did not know where it was going to crash .The passengers had saved many lives of the people in the capital or the white house. The passengers had attacked the terrorist .They said a fraise called let’s roll then they said goodbye to their families and husband and wifes .Lots of people were very very thank full for the passengers . Also the firefighters and police hid did not make they made  the wall of the subway wall in a museum .They also made a watering hole well kind of a watering hole and it had firefighters and police officers  who did not survive names carved into it.On someone’s birthday they would put a white rose next to there name.That is what i learned about 9-11.




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